Based on observations collected at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS), France.
If we make the assumptions that the excitation conditions in both the NLR and the ILR are the same and that in the ILR, tex2html_wrap_inline$$5007tex2html_wrap_inline$/$Htex2html_wrap_inline$$ tex2html_wrap_inline$$ 1, the O IIItex2html_wrap_inline$$5007 line is collisionaly de-excited by about a factor 10. According to the formula given by Seaton (1975), this implies a density of 1-310tex2html_wrap_inline$^6$ cmtex2html_wrap_inline$^-3$ if the electronic temperature is in the range 1-310tex2html_wrap_inline$^4$ K.
