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OHP Preprint No. 110 : Low Luminosity Type II + Ib,c Supernovae

Low Luminosity Type II + Ib,c Supernovae*

L. Woltjer

Observatoire de Haute-Provence, CNRS 
F-04870 Saint-Michel l'Observatoire, France

Astronomy and Astrophysics : Received 15 August 1997; accepted 16 September 1997
*Much of this article was written during a visit to Arcetri Observatory, Florence, Italy

Abstract A combined sample has been constructed of supernovae of types II or Ib,c in our Galaxy and in external galaxies nearer than 4 Mpc. It is concluded that the luminosity function remains relatively flat down to MV = -13 to -14. Supernova rates obtained from traditional extragalactic samples should probably be increased by a factor of 1.5 - 2. A relatively simple observational programme could yield more definite answers in five to ten years time.

Keywords : supernovae : general -- ISM : supernova remnants

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