OHP User's Guide | OHP Home Page

How to find OHP

OHP is located in the
Provence-Alpes-Côtes d'Azur Region

Michelin Road Maps

No. 919 (JPEG 87 Ko)

No. 81 (JPEG 66 Ko)

These maps, extracted from local area road maps, show the location of OHP relative to the nearest large cities (Aix-en-Provence, Marseille) and to the nearest towns (Manosque, Forcalquier). The main access roads are clearly labeled on the maps. The A51 high-speed highway from Marseille to Manosque is a toll highway between Pertuis and Manosque.

You can also look up the interactive MapBlast map around Saint-Michel l'Observatoire

These images have been scanned from the following Michelin maps:
No. 919 "France Sud" (1/1 000 000 scale) and No. 81 "Montélimar Avignon Digne" (1/200 000 scale).

Updated: 14 December 2004